It’s Official!!

I did it! I registered and paid for the Miracle Match Half Marathon. This is what started this whole blog in the first place. No, that is not me in the picture above, and no I’m not planning on wearing a Tabasco costume…although my husband would probably love for me to, but I digress.

My registration is a little bitter-sweet as Beth won’t be running this one with me. Things just didn’t work out in life this go around for her to get enough training in (I don’t know…. what does having a new born, being a new mom, and working have to do with anything… slacker). But, she’ll be there to cheer me on, as I was there when she ran this same race a few years ago, and that is AWESOME!

I gotta tell you, I’m a little freaked. Not by the distance, I am completely confident that I can finish the 13.1 miles….no, it’s the PEOPLE. Not the people watching, I think I won’t even notice that. It’s the people RUNNING. I’m a loner by nature. I like being alone. I run alone. I think I’ve done a total of 2 runs with Beth. That’s it. The rest of my training/running is done by myself. The thought of running with 1000 other people freaks me out. But, I’ll just plug in my ipod and try to not focus on all of that. We’ll see how it goes.

I’m really hoping that I can run this race with an 11:00/mile pace. That would be rockin’ it for me! I think I can do it, from what I’ve heard you run a bit faster on race day due to adrenaline and the other runners. I don’t want to start out too fast though, and totally throw myself off what I’ve been doing all year. But, if I could do that pace I would finish right around 2.5 hrs. or so, and that’s okay with me.

Well, that’s it for today. There’s no backing out now. I can do this…even with other runners all around me!

Till next time,

9 responses »

  1. Don’t block out the people! That’s one of the best reasons to race. I wouldn’t consider myself a huge people person either, but racing with some many other people gives me an energy I just don’t get when I run by myself. I really encourage you to take in the whole experience with all of your available senses. I think you might be surprised at how much you enjoy it!

    • Thanks for your post! I never thought about it that way, to be honest with you. I will definately have to check my attitude.

  2. congrats! how exciting!

    it’s quite croweded at the start, but once the pack thins after a couple miles, you will feel more “alone”. 🙂

  3. so from the sloacker, believe won’t even notice after the first 1/2mi or so…it wasn’t until after I finished that I realized I had basically been running with the same guy from the beginning…I’m not giving up on running another one…sadly, just not this one. Who knows, maybe you’ll love it so much you and I can still do one together!!

  4. fantastic! you’re going to rock it! And you’ll be fine with all those people. I always get really anxious before the start of a big race, and talking to a complete and total stranger near me always makes me feel better.

    But it’s also easy to totally zone out. Just put in your headphones and run. You’re going to do great!

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